White Frog is an American film written by Fabienne Wen and Ellie Wen and directed by Quentin Lee. It is a drama-comedy, aimed at young adults, about 15-year-old Nick (Booboo Stewart), a neglected teen with mild Asperger's syndrome whose life is changed forever when tragedy hits his family. It is a story of the power of family, friendship, and love.
Just saw White Frog. The film focuses a lot on the differences of people and NOT only Asperger's Syndrome is covered but I do not want to give away the movie. The actors, in the beginning, seemed amateur but as the movie progressed they grew with the film, in fact they acted as every day people act which gives for more reality. Mind you, the lead actor does a great job of portraying some of the characteristics of someone with Asperger's Syndrome. There are some twists to the show but there are many teaching messages throughout that made it a VERY good film.