The Day the World Ended
What is your review for the 2001 movie: The Day the World Ended?
Dr Jennifer Stillman is a child psychologist who moves to a small town for a break from the big city life. On her first day placed in the town's school, she notices a strange young boy called Ben. Taking the opportunity to dig a little deeper into the clearly troubled lad, she learns that he was adopted by his father (Michael) after his real mother died and nobody knew who his real father was. However she doesn't know quite what to think about Ben's belief that his father was an alien and that he will return one day; but when someone or something is killing people in the small town could it be that Ben is the only one that knows what is really going on?
For a made for TV movie, its not as aweful as some I have seen. But, its not very good either. Its barely watchable the first time. The film ends up lifting parts of itself from other famous movies from Psycho to the Village of the Damned. Its B-rated at best and belongs on late night Sci-Fi channel. It has a cute female star and Randy Quad, which is good. But the premise is lame and not fully established once you get to the end.
Terrible script. The acting wa not bad, but the effects were less than what your average Halloween teens could do with a garage. If this was supposed to be scary then I must be made of stone.
Do not waste your time seeing it if you have not already.
Rate: 1