The Salt Lake Tribune had an article today about convicted killer Ronnie Lee Gardner who announced last month his intention to be executed by firing squad. They made a connection with his Mormon upbringing and the thought that once a person has killed another, the only way to redeem themselves is through blood atonement. Some interesting information:
Name: Hal
Comments: This is one of those early church teachings that makes you wonder if they weren't a communist sect rather than a religious one claiming Christ as their savior. For me Christ was the only one to atone for our sins and nothing we did really could out do that. Sure if we did not take up the atonement in our lives we have to suffer but I believe that suffering is eternal and not up to men to do it with physical force, even murder.
Can we accept the possibility that Pres. Young was just plain wrong about blood atonement and many of his other doctrines? I personally think that this is the case. He just got it wrong, and we have progressed to a better understanding of God and Christ and atonement. As for why McConkie and others intentionally misconstrued what Pres. Young said is because like many LDS they rather deny the skeletons in the closet and misunderstandings of doctrine than to admit it. (as if admitting to error in doctrine means that the gospel is not true) But that is how church leadership in his era dealt with such things.
No doubt, this was one of the more controversial doctrines taught by the early leaders of the church. What is more frightening about it is the unknown record of how many times it was executed. We only have an account of one well known inncident.
Name: Michael
Title: Blood Atonement