The ideal of Free Will exists with the concept of Individualism.
How grand it would be to do what we want, to say what we want, to be an individual in the sea of society.
There is a powerful phrase we can all exercise: "I do not agree"!
Fine for you and me who live in enlightened societies; we're allowed to have opinions. Some people aren't so fortunate.
But, what if you agree because you wholeheartedly believe it? Who is to gainsay your belief?
Are you willing to die for a belief? How strong are your convictions?
Free will. Is this another name for anarchy?
Scott Adams once said, "Free will is an illusion. People always choose the perceived path of greatest pleasure."
You cant change the past because it has already happened and you cant change the future as you cant change something that isn't there.You can influence the future but up until the present only one thing will and can happen. Knowing that and with free will effectively being the ability to change we can assume that we do not have it.
When it comes to knowing your true self, believe in free will
Diminishing a person's belief in free will leads to them feeling less like their true selves, according to recent research. In a pair of studies, researchers manipulated people's beliefs in free will to see how this would affect the subjects' sense of authenticity, their sense of self. Ref. Source 6b.
I do not think we have absolute free will, there are way too many factors influencing our decisions. For instance the food we eat affects our mood, judgement, and actions. What we can do in society is limited to laws and what society thinks is taboo. Sure we can break those laws but it ends up limiting our free will specially if we end up in jail.
Name: Laker
Comments: We are as free as we think we are free. I believe we tend to limit ourself because of what we are taught at home, religion, school and even at our job. A lot of these act like barriers to keep us back from reaching our full potential. We need to know we can do what we want but we have to be smart enough to ensure others don't think we are overstepping them because that's where the idea of true free will becomes a problem.