Well, this could feel a bit embarrassing to reveal, but I won't allow it to, especially since I had no control over the situation. After my third child was born, a life-long illness, that I was unaware that I had, suddenly became very active in its effects upon me. I lost a lot of hair, having an almost completely bald 'mohawk' down the center of my head. It affected my self-confidence and how I felt I looked, so a trusted friend bought me a very expensive ($200 I think) wig that matched the color of my hair really well (many of the more expensive wigs look like real hair). My first public appearance with my new wig was at a church function at a park. People later told me that they recognized me as we were walking up, but could tell something was different. Of course, close up, anyone who knew me could tell I was wearing one, but it made me feel so much better. I received compliments from so many people, including one's that I never really even knew that well. After getting on some medications, my hair grew back and I ended up wearing the wig for only a year and a half (by the way, I am not wearing it in my avatar). It's funny how something cosmetic like that can make such a difference, but I really think most people want to have their own hair and wouldn't necessarily be happy with a sudden noticeable loss of it. I could have adjusted to my hair loss and learned to accept it, but it was only a wig anyway, nothing permanent, and the benefits of wearing it far outweighed any negatives.
I have also tried on wigs for fun. I think that they are great in wearing as part of a Halloween costume or some parties. I see nothing wrong with wearing them, unless they are worn to reverent places, such as church, and a loud, colorful wig is worn. There have been times when I have noticed women wearing wigs in other situations and sometimes it looks really good, but sometimes the wig choice can be one that is not so flattering. Of course, that is in my own opinion, they may think that they look great. I think that is the key, how you feel about yourself and how you look if wearing one, and hopefully they are worn tactfully and the right 'type' of wig for the right type of situation .
Edited: dawnofthenew on 26th Jan, 2005 - 5:21pm
I think it would be different for men vs women whether or not a wig would be needed should someone lose their hair. However, with all the hair restoration products and programs out there for men, I am beginning to question that theory. Personally, if I lost my hair, I would just shave it all off and go bald, and forgo the problems and troubles of wearing a wig. I am happily married with children and in no need of maintaining an appearance for others. I am not saying that others who do so are vain or simple-minded; I am just speaking on my own behalf on the topic.
As for whether I find them attractive or not, I find that most of them out there are too fake looking and therefore not appealing to me. I would prefer someone go for the natural look, just because I respect that option more than going for the fake look.
I do not like wigs but I do know as Dawn explained, that there are situations (specially for women) that you need to wear them I do not think I would enjoy being bald...I LOVE my hair a lot. By the other hand, there are some women here in Trinidad that wear them all the time but it looks so fake, specially the ones who choose a straight-blonde wig
In a sun-filled apartment in Paris' historic Marais district, Marie-Therese Lebeau and her four assistants are busy at work, their hands bobbing up and down at a dizzying pace as they use crochet needles to knot single hairs onto model wooden heads.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C3949%2C%2C00.html