FDA Approval Of Franken Foods
Is it true that a lot of UC Citizens will eat Franken Foods simply because the FDA says it is edible?
I don't like frozen foods, plus just thinking about putting it in a microwave makes me churn. There are people that just love it and they look like frankenfoods as well. I don't get how this can beat a good home cooked meal.
I think this goes beyond frozen this is those abominations like 8 winged chickens and legless pigs to provide specialized meat products. No I do not think these exist but gets my point across I hope.
We have messed with dna and feeding products so much that our food is not what it was intended to be and we as a result are weaker and are developing side effects.
Seasoned chicken is a great example. Lets inject salt brine into the meat so when it cooks it is "More flavored and tender". I am sure the reason was not that salt weighs more and creates bigger profits.
Our food supply has changed more in 40 years then ever in history and we can not adapt to these changes so fast and that makes these changed deadly to our bodies.
Think of this you body is programed to recognize certain plant life and food sources and knows how to digest it. Problem is it thinks you chicken is real chicken not some processed deviation. So where goes this extra junk? Out the back door but causing issues on the way like slowing down the digestive track, water retention, blocking you bodies ability to absorb what good is there and overloading your filtration plant. This means we are being loaded up with bile and are getting more subjective to disease one of which is obesity.
Just my humble opinion of course.
We are so far from how life is supposed to be that the only way to get back to it is to move into the countryside, open a farm and grow your own organic stuff. People have just become too comfortable in quick fixes, that's what makes these things so enticing, they're fast, cheap and our body is addicted to the chemicals they contain.
Its not just about frozen foods but any kind of processed food. Go look on the shelves of your supermarket and you will see... Just about 90% come with artificial stuff that you don't know what its doing to your body.
Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of our Lives
Video Documentary
When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an infant technology. Ref. Source 7