Hi my name is Delamonte(rp name) I mainly role play as a vampire and have done other roleplays I am a 24 year old male and I live in a place called Milton Keynes which is in the uk.I am currently unemployed I love reading,writing,art and just letting my imagination out.The way I do this is by drawing or writing I love writing poetry as well as it lets out my inner emotions and I love role-play games where it is always active I have used muds a couple of times and played some visual rpg,s but I love the forum based rpgs as there isn't no forced image if you get what I'm saying in other words it gives you that chance to to use your imagination more than nothing wen I role-play I am my role-play person and I take role-play very serious and I cut myself away from the surroundings around me. I get a feel for the surroundings in the actual game and get a feel and the smell if that makes sense anyway hope to start playing soon and hope to get into the game soon
Peace Delamonte
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Hon, I'm not currently in the market for an imaginative, artistic, unemployed.... vampire, is it? ... but I'll be sure to let my lady friends know about you!