War Witch
What is your review for the entertainment value of the movie called, "War Witch"?
War Witch (Hover)
Komona, a girl in Sub-Saharan Africa, tells the story to her unborn child about her kidnapping by rebels and forced to join their bloody civil war. When she discovers a valuable intuition about the presence of the enemy, she is elevated as a witch and favored by the rebel leader. However, this special status threatens to be short-lived in this world of superstition and senseless brutality even as the ghosts of the war dead haunt her visions. However, when a newfound friend convinces her to desert, Komona finds escaping that brutal life is far from easy with its physical and spiritual consequences following her wherever she goes.
The poster might make you think there is some kind of magic in this show, but there isn't. War Witch covers the brutal hard facts: in Africa child soldiers take on one of the hardest lifestyles ever and only a few of them pull through after years of hard labour. It was a masterful film that should wake up a lot of people about the kid of evil there is on this planet.