Name: David
Comments: OK. So we should be in fear because what other people think about us? Why should we change? Explain that to me.
Be afraid? No. Be aware? Certainly.
It is important to understand ones cultural history. To this day when I go back home, St. Louis, I know there are parts of town that I best not venture into at night or even daytime. It just isnt smart...history tells me that. I know I dont belong in East St. Louis at anytime of day or night. These things might change over time, but they arent anytime soon.
So, wear the star, just be smart about where you wear the star.
Be aware that states like Iran really dont like you at all...likely no olive branch is long enough at this time.
Be aware of opportunities like Syria...there is a potential for peace...the kind that you have with Eygpt and Jordan.
Dont change and you never evolve. You will be doomed to repeat history. Today, Israel has peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt...who would have thought that possible back in 1950?
Name: Anna
Comments: Why do some people deem it necessary to dislike somebody or even a whole race or a religion?
The main reasons lie hidden in the past actions of the disliked person(s), race, religion, in actions carried out maybe eons ago or whenever.
All races and all religions have something good and something bad to offer. I have come to the conclusion that traditional customs are no guarantee for being perpetually good for people simply because they are traditional. Traditions can even be dangerous. Traditions must be constantly evaluated, adapted, maybe declared harmful and if harmful to men, women, animals, or nature must be stopped in its tracks at once and for good.
Now a days I learn of many races I never heard about before that have been and are brutally persecuted, with the numbers of their people and their specific culture quickly diminishing. Sometimes the loss of lives runs into the millions. Genocide is happening in more than one country and again we don't even know about it unless we, by chance, discover it or a friend tells us about it.
Countless people are losing their right to live a dignified life in their country of birth, then get somewhere refugee status, but are denied passports, denied the right to buy land in their host-country and are considered second hand citizens in foreign countries. Why is this so?
I believe that the law of cause and effect is an unforgiving law and that my happiness and despair are the results of my own doing and depend on actions in past lives and this life too. No God is responsible for my suffering. No God is going to make me happy while making another person very sad. A supreme all knowing being would not do such a thing.
I believe that whoever is suffering much needs extra loving care and kindness and more help than adults who have small problems. Children always need loving kindness and much understanding and help with their small problems because for them a small problem can seem insurmountable.
I believe in unconditional love for all races and all sentient beings. I feel sorry for people who allow themselves to hate. They have a useless and big problem.
I believe that people or races who suffer intensely will benefit greatly from taking full responsibility for the causes of their suffering and the causes of their happiness too. Not fearing God, but fearing the workings of the law of Cause and Effect, the law that rules supreme, seems the only way to significantly lessen suffering from happening again and again, be it in one persons life and lives to come or for a race, on a nationwide, or world wide scale.
The results of actions of unkindness, greed, hate and lies bounce back to the person(s) who generated them like an echo that returns from the rock. I believe we cannot blame anybody else for the pain, shock, trauma, sadness or despair we experience, be it on a personal or collective level. Through our own mistakes we get into trouble.
It is Humane to help those in trouble. Even (mass) murderers (who ought to be imprisoned for life) need to work there as gardeners, carpenters, tailors, etc., need to learn how to meditate and to be taught that their evil actions will cause them to undergo and level out, not only in this life, but in many lives to come, the same kind and amount of sufferings as they caused in the lives of those people that suffered at their hands. This wisdom will stop them and all people from creating more and more suffering for others and themselves.
I am afraid that only brave people will embrace this view. I believe that this priceless universal truth, this highest spiritual insight that belongs to us all and is nobodies property should be emphatically taught to all human beings because it can purify our hearts stained with wrong thinking and actions , and reveal the innate, divine, always pure and loving nature of all human beings and guide us safely through this and many future lives.
May All Beings Be Happy!
I had a roommate that was Jewish, well half Jewish. He was a good buddy of mine. We used to smoke a little and watch the discovery channel or the history channel (he called it the Hitler channel) on our nights off from the bar we worked at. I never thought much of it. There was a scuffle at the bar and one of my bouncer friends went out of his way to absolutely throw my roommate on the ground. It was rather harsh and he was no where near the action. If I remember correctly he almost lifted my roommate off the ground and slammed him.
I asked my bouncer friend why he did that and he smiled and replied that it was because "he was a f@!$%#! Jew." I talked to him a little and explained things to him, because both of them were my friends. My roommate did nothing to him. It was just because he was a Jew? They got along Okay after that. I should say they got along after my roommate accidentally locked him in the beer cooler for a half an hour.
Honestly I felt like doing the same thing to my roommate sometimes. He was one of the most annoying people I have ever met, but he tried hard not to be.
Out of the few Jews I have known I have to say that they seam to feel as though they are elite which is even more annoying. I don't know if it is due to the fact that they have not been accepted, but then again they don't assimilate very well. Maybe it is genetic or a cultural thing. They seam to have an oppression complex. Of course if I was picked up and slammed for being Anglo I might develop an oppression complex to.
It seams to go to both extremes when dealing with the hatred towards Jews. You have a large portion of the population that hates Jews. Then there is the politically correct group that worships them. Either way it isolates them and draws a dividing line between people. I don't believe in either method. I am not going to beat up a jew just because he is a Jew, but I wont kiss their feet either. I wont do that to anyone. Just treat them like regular folks. As soon as those defensive walls fall down that is all they are. With the same desires as anyone else.
My personal experience with Jews tells me that Jews are whiny and annoying with a hint that I am a gentile and they are the chosen people. Maybe it is a culture thing. Of course I could say the same thing about some of the Utah Mormons that I have run across and I am myself Mormon.
Me and my roommate talked a lot about this after his trip up and to the floor. He asked me the same questions "why do people hate Jews?". I think that is a very complicated question.
![]() Persephone: Please use uppercase letters as appropriate: names, start of sentence, etc. Check your spelling with the Spell Checker provided. See Constructive Posting Policy. |
Name: David
Comments: alright. We are annoying? Do you hear yourself. It is little comments like this that hurt. Just the other day I was at a bar. I met this man, something came up about me being Jewish. I turned my head for one second and I herd him say to the man next to me, "wow, I thought Jews have big noses?" why? Did he have to say that? I dont get it; why does the world hate us Jews? Are we that terrible? I understand every group, tribe, ect. Has been mistreated, but why do people ever think to be mean?
Don't be so sensitive. You should say something like "Jews have big noses so they can smell gentiles". Role with the punches, Jew.
It doesn't matter what people think. The fact is that you would have appreciated it more if he said it to you instead of waiting for you to turn around. Probably when no one else was around.
Maybe we should all have more sensitivity training so that we can all walk on tippy toes and not offend anyone. That way none of us will ever have any real conversations and resent the fact that we cant say what we think. That way none of us will ever have any real friends in life or relationships.
My roommate called me a "Nazi a-whole" all the time. He called me that before any of the Jew stuff came up. That is what he thought. Whatever, it is alright. I wouldn't of hung around him if I didn't like him. I would like to know how his life is turning out, but I have a policy of letting the past be the past. He was actually one of my best friends, but none of my other friends liked him. He didn't have any friends either. I am still don't understand the whole thing.
I met this man, something came up about me being Jewish. |
![]() JB: I removed all the borderline comments that are not necessary towards making a point. Please refrain from that, and note Persephone's earlier comment as I had to do the same here. |
Name: David
Comments: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone. But, all I'm saying is that I don't get why the Jews, as a whole are hated. I know we are very small population, but that does not excuse anyone from being anti-semetic or rude.
I gone at lengths to explain why there is anti-semitism. You are likely to say that those reasons are not good excuses. I will likely agree with you, but unfortunately for many, this is plenty of reason to dislike jews. The Jewish population is not really that small. Globally, most major countries have significant populations of Jews within their demographics.
Jews are disliked because:
* they now occupy what was once Palestine (we wont talk about what it was before that and before that and before that because the people that dislike Jews are not interested in that and it would be your excuse).
* they are successful in nearly any area that they enter. They succeed at businesses that were difficult to make money in and they stress education for their children at nearly any cost. Once successful at the difficult jobs, the children go into even higher level positions within the community and are very successful. It just continues and continues. Success breeds envy and envy quickly goes to hate.
* they form closed communities and help each other. Again, this promotes the success that they can gain, while it might be more difficult for lessesr organized ethnic communities to be successful.
* they are taught to be disliked by parents. Their parents disliked Jews for some reason (maybe their parents taught them to hate Jews as well) and it just imprinted on them from a young age.
* they believe that all Jews (past, present and future) bear the responsibility for the death of Jesus. That is a religious belief and you just arent going to get people that see it this way to see it differently...regardless of how much scripture you quote them.
These are the reasons as best I can see them. It doesnt make them right by any stretch of the imgination, but they are what they are... If you want to change them, think of the contact you have and your religion has with everyone around them. There will be no massive reform by Jewish Temples on whole to achieve amiability amoungst all other religions and communties. However, reaching out to others outside the religion and how you handle your daily interactions with others helps. Without change...there will be no change. Peace with Egypt brought peace with Jordan and now there is even talk of peace with Syria. They can see the benefits of cooperations between the countries. These are huge changes...maybe not as fast as we would like, but they are happening.
So be Jewish and be proud, but also be aware of your surroundings and history. Dont let it trap you, but be aware of the walls that are created that must be torn down and take opportunities where the exists.