This is the "Studies of Judaism" Board, why are you talking about the Bible? Even so, I think the question is, why do people hate modern day Jews. I feel Skeptic has a point, its no longer simply about religion, this is about ideals. Just as it was with South Africa during the apartheid regime.
While the current situation with the Palestinians does cause hatred that isn't the reason. Hate for the Jews didn't start with the founding of Israel. Look at what the Nazi's did pre Israel foundation for one. They have been hated for thousands of years. Much of the blame for the situation belongs to the Arab nations. If they wouldn't have tried to destroy Israel in two separate wars they wouldn't have lost that land where the controversial settlements are being built.
I think that many marrow minded people choose to hate other for no reason at all. If there is a reason it is so minor that others do not see it. I hope that more and more narrow minded people become a minority in this world. The main issue is some of them teach their kids to be narrow minded too and the kids have no idea why they feel that way.
People love to hate and its easy to hate anyone if your parents or friends tell you its okay to hate. A lot of people who have hate for the Jews are usually part of groups that have this kind of racist thinking drilled into them.
Yes, education is the key. When people are brought up told that Jews are evil and thieves and will pollute your society, the hate is built in. There are numerous lies spread by haters of Jews, including some of the most absurd things like the Blood Libel and apartheid in Israel. These lies help to demonize Jews in the minds of haters and dehumanizing a person makes them easy to hurt without moral conscience. For a group of less than 20 million people out of 7 billion, Jews are also an easy target as there was less interest in defending such a small group by non Jews. Like a bully picking on the smallest kids in school.
By proportion, the Jewish people have accomplished more than any other group in the world, so envy may also be a factor. In the end, only rational and factual education will remove hate of this kind, as a indoctrinated child grows up to be a hating adult.