Without knowing it, you might be communicating a strong message in a room. Do you know any body language?
One sample: they say that if you cross your arms during a conversation then it means you are protective of your heart.
Leaning forward with your hand under your chin shows interest in something.
Can you think of more?
I always thought crossing your arms kind of meant you were keeping your distance. I guess that could be the same as protecting your heart.
hands on hips - defiant
head tilted - listening
Offtopic but, i managed to find the old text for this topic and decided to post it here. |
While I am talking or speaking, I constantly use my hands. Not just as like to prove some kind of point in an arguement, but just in any kind of general conversation. It's always been something that I've done. I remember my old boss telling me that I would probably pass out if someone tied my hands behind my back and told me to speak. |
sure you don't have some italian blood on ya? |
maybe some people are more emotional than others. |
I've read in a book some stuff about body language. I'll try to translate a part of it here.
Details that betray the liers:
Only the most skilled can lie with their bodies. Who lies produces instinctively certain body movements. The most usual signs of lie are the gesticulations of taking the hand to the face.
To scratch the neck is a sign of uncertainness. To scratch the eye and the nose can be an unconscious try to disguise untruths. To scratch the eye also avoids visual contact. Of course any of these gesticulations can also be used innocently.
(Reader's Digest - Você Sabia?)
here's a website with a few brief descriptions from someone's book.
Decoding body language
It's sort of a "quick reference guide"
It used to really aggravate my son when I could tell that he was lying.. and he wanted to know *how* I knew. I've never told him, because I don't want him to try to correct his behavior
He does either a "side glance" or a very direct stare, and his usually animated face goes very still -- he's trying not to betray his emotions by holding himself steady