I can heal with my hands. My mum thinks its like a placbo effect,but whey then when I centre properly does it work better? I have been able to do this since about grade 5. I really don't care if she thinks that it is, the main thing is I am making people feel better. What do you think?
Well I know when I was a kid and really sick and all chesty my dad rubs his hands together and generates heat then just places them on my chest for 1-2 minutes and I felt all better. I know in Australia they were teaching positive touching in the classroom for younger chidlren. Yes I do think you have a great gift as long as it is used for the greater good...I was told that if you abused a gift from God that you would lose it in time...so keep up the positive chi!
I agree totally with you, if I don't think about it first like am I doing this for me (to prove that I can do it) or am I doing it to make the other person feel better. If its for the first reson, it doesn't work. I have also found if I don't centre and shield myself I get weaker and can't heal as well. For me protection agaisnt negative forces was one of the first things I learnt. Do you have any abilitys of this type?
I believe that people can heal with their hands and there are a great many books on this topic. The important thing is not to take their sickness back into your own body you need to ground the energy after you use it to heal the person. You should also not use this energy to heal anyone that is especially close to you. There are other ways to heal people other than with the energy that you possess. Perhaps you should do some research in the Wiccan religion and into the healing aspect of it, I think you would find it interesting if not helpful. I personally do not have this gift at the moment, but hopefully in time I will be able to use the energies properly to help other people.
Blackdragon -
When I saw this topic title, I just HAD to register for an account and throw in my two cents. I actually wrote a paper on this not too long ago for my pathophysiology professor, and I'd love to share it with you when my regular computer comes back from the shop. I'm a paramedic student.
All kinds of mystic and esoteric traditions refer to the ability to heal by the laying on of hands. Jesus Christ is probably the best known example of someone touched by this gift. The whole concept kind of flies in the face of science, though, so naturally in today's world it's seen as kind of hokey.
However . . . .
Let's go over some basic science. Consider Ampere's Law, which you probably learned about in grade seven or eight. Ampere's Law states that any time an electrical current is passed through a conductor, such as when connecting a battery to a wire coil, it generates a magnetic field around it. This is the principle behind electromagnets. This is simple stuff.
Almost every function in the human body operates because of electrical currents. You can think of your nerves like wires . . . when your brain sends even the tiniest electrical signal along one of these wires--say, to pick up a pencil or blink your eye--the tiniest magnetic field circles around it (and it actually gets a LOT more complicated than that). The sum of all these minute magnetic fields crisscrossing throughout your body is referred to as the human biomagnetic field, or HBF. Researchers have been able to photograph the HBF using magnetoscopes, and can actually produce some fairly high-resolution images.
Another thing scientists found is that certain frequencies of magnetic energy--MUCH weaker than a fridge magnet--can actually stimulate certain types of cells to divide and grow. As a matter of fact, in 1972 the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the use of electromagnets to stimulate bone fractures to heal when natural process fail.
(That "much weaker than a fridge magnet" part is important . . . the therapeutic wavelength of magnetic energy is in a VERY narrow range. Regular magnets, and probably those "miracle healing bracelets" you see on TV for three easy payments of $19.99, really won't do a thing. Your body is inert to them.)
This therapeutic level, though, is actually pretty close to the natural frequency of the normal human biomagnetic field . . . .
Now back to the esoteric stuff . . . .
Call it chi, ki, mana, the soul, or whatever . . . all kinds of traditions refer to some sort of "life force" in each of us. There is a lot of speculation as to the exact nature of this force--where does it come from? what is it made of?--and some (myself included) would argue that it is in fact the human biomagnetic field.
An Eastern practice called reiki teaches that injury and illness occur when a person's ki becomes unbalanced. It is believed that by laying on hands, a reiki practitioner can essentially pour his/her own ki into the sick person, restoring their balance and healing their illness.
The interesting thing about reiki is that it's not a belief system . . . in fact, regardless of whether they believe or not, the HBF of those attuned to reiki actually displays differently when photographed by a magnetoscope. The REALLY interesting thing is that those attuned to reiki can also project that very narrow band of therapeutic magnetic energy from their fingertips. They can turn it on and off at will, and this has also been photographed by magnetoscopes.
Offtopic but, I'll be sure to make my paper available to you SOMEHOW as soon as I get the chance (I noticed there's no "attach file" button here). I feel I need to comment, though, on Streea's advice to research Wiccan healing. Wicca, Witchcraft, and other forms of Paganism all have various ideas on transferring energy, metaphysics, the collective consciousness, and all that. This is all well and good. I myself went from scientist, to believer in Wiccan theories, to practising Witch, and on to other things. (And yes, I actually "cast spells," and yes, some of them actually worked.) I also understand the pop-culture side of Wicca . . . and I've seen it handled like any other fad. Punks. Goths. Ravers. Preppies. Hippies. Hip-hop. And "Wiccans." What I'm getting at here is that Wicca is a wonderful school of thought with a lot of really great teachings, but . . . A) so are most other faiths, including Christianity and Islam, and it's very easy to abuse because it gives a lot of people who otherwise don't feel like they "fit in" a sense of identity, especially since it does contrast so much with "mainstream" religions like Christianity and Islam. When this happens, it becomes a fashion statement, not a belief, and the meaning is lost. It just sets off a HUGE red flag when I see the word "Wiccan," or "Wiccan religion," standing all by itself on the internet, because that seems to preclude other faiths as being less correct. Saying another faith is "wrong" is actually completely AGAINST Wiccan teachings. Call me a Defender of the Faith, but I hate seeing the "fashion statement" side of things. Do like Streea says. Research Wicca--but remember it's only one part of the picture. Research everything else you can get your hands on as well, and then make up your own mind. A good guideline is to remember that you should never need to spend money on your faith, whether that's sending cheques to televangelists, or simply buying "healing crystals" at the bookstore. God or Whoever doesn't care about money. |
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Ok, I've been studying Reiki. To some it can be a belief system, as you put it, and to others it simply isn't. To those who do think it is a belief system are probably trying to find something to believe in. Others want the ability to heal people, like me. 'Rei' in Reiki means 'Universal Life Force'. 'Ki' has no english meaning what so ever. It is an important part of an oriental culture such as philosophy and medicine. So don't mix it with mana or chi, that would be 'Rei'. In other languages 'Ki' has a meaning, in the Hindu translation 'Ki' is like the word 'Prana' meaning 'Life Energy'.
Edited: Kitsune on 23rd Feb, 2007 - 5:20pm
Ki is life force though I thought that was Japanese (thus likely stemmed from chinese).
In Tai Chi one is taught how to heal and strengthen and purify the body through their chi. It is very often coming in close proximity of the body but not actually touching. Through there is touching also. Teh touch is for the body ie relax muscles the non touch very often is to align the chi in the body and my sensi claims he can feel bad spot through it. (it takes 18 years of training to become a master fyi)
I think there is much about our bodies energy and functions that our dear kind scientist my never fully be able to explain. Document yes.
Didn't Jesus use Laying of hands to heal the sick?
But who amongst us possess that true quality and how will we be able to judge that it is real! So many wolves masquerading as sheep!
krakyn said
it takes 18 years of training to become a master |