Advantage: Shorter or Taller Person?
Does a person's height or lack thereof give them an advantage in a fight?
I believe heighth does add leverage to one strengths. If someone was say 5'2" and was against a 7'7" person trying to lift or pummel them it'd be harder for the shorter person but easier if they were trying to catapult them. As for the taller person it'd be easier to do lifting moves due to height
Height is largely irrelevant.
The exception would be that a taller fighter has longer arms, he can jab and throw hooks from alot farther away than the shorter fighter, and if they clinch the taller fighter has more spread-out mass to push with, which also applies to ground fighting.
However, if the taller fighter is too tall, that becomes a disadvantage. In the situation described above--a 5'2" fighter against a 7'7" fighter--the shorter fighter would very likely win, simply because of how much quicker he can move than the 7'7" fighter. On the ground, the 7'7" fighter can't move his mass around very well, unless he's darn near superhuman. On the feet, his footwork is absurdly limited, and in the clinch all it takes is a simple trip and there all that weight goes, slamming into the ground.