Teacher Rapes Student, Forces Her to Have Abortion to Cover Up the Crime
A teacher in South Africa was found to have raped a student after she declined his sexual advances and he later took her for an abortion to cover up his crime after she became pregnant. Ref. Source 6
Unfortunately, Nelson Mandela Signed Law Legalizing Unlimited Abortions
The world is paying its respects to civil rights leader and former South African president Nelson Mandela today, after learning that he passed away at the age of 95. While most people respect the civil rights and racial reconciliation work he did, some have questioned where Mandela stood on abortion.
Unfortunately, Mandela signed into law a bill legalizing abortion on demand. Ref. Source 2
One Million Babies Have Died in South Africa Since Nelson Mandela Legalized Abortion
The world mourns the passing of Nelson Mandela the civil rights leader and former President of South Africa. It is fitting that we should respect and applaud his untiring struggle for civil rights and for his leadership in bringing about reconciliation in South Africa.
In paying tribute to his many achievements as President between 1994 to 1999 we must not forget that he did not uphold the sanctity of life of children in the womb. The sanctity of human life and the dignity of the family are the foundation and guarantee of all other human rights. It is not possible to be a human rights crusader if one fails to uphold the human rights of the unborn. Ref. Source 5