Yahoo Mail

Yahoo Mail - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 13th Dec, 2004 - 3:12pm

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Yahoo EMail Review
Post Date: 16th Jun, 2004 - 4:02am / Post ID: #


Yahoo Mail

One of the best free Email Servers out there is Yahoo. Long before the others Yahoo provided features that others are only now calling 'new'. Recently they have gone all out by giving 100MB to account holders! What is your review?

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16th Jun, 2004 - 12:23pm / Post ID: #

Mail Yahoo

I like Yahoo email.

There are a lot of good things going for it, and a few annoyances.

The good:

  • Lots of space. Although this is recent, they have always given more space than the major competition. 100MB is wonderful though.
  • Spam blocking. Not the best available, but good for the price. And, you can train it by identifying all the spam you get. However, you do need to check the bulk mail folder, and occasionally identify mail that ISN'T spam.
  • Availability. Readily available from any internet portal.
  • POP. It is possible to check your mail with a POP client.

  • I can't get the stupid thing to organize my mail the way I LIKE to see it. That is, the newest mail at the bottom of the list. I like my mail that way, so I can start with the oldest message, then when I delete it, I go to the newer message, rather than an older, saved message. I have to manually change the presentation every time I open up the mail folder.

I like Yahoo mail far more than Hotmail. I still prefer POP servers, but since I check my mail from various places, and various computers, it certainly isn't as convenient.

16th Jun, 2004 - 3:22pm / Post ID: #

Yahoo Mail Gaming Video & Issues Computer

I am thrilled that Yahoo has switched to 100MB accounts with 10MB attachments. Those were the 2 limitations that I did not like before. I love my Yahoo mail account because it is accessible anywhere, and I think the Spam filter is as good as any other. Now that I can send larger attachments, I wont even use my Outlook account with my ISP again. I can't stand Outlook and frankly it scares me because of all its bugs and holes. Kudos to Yahoo for going to 100MB accounts.

16th Jun, 2004 - 11:59pm / Post ID: #

Mail Yahoo

I love my Yahoo account, but I have not found the spam protection to be good. It is constantly filtering legitimate e-mail. It seems if anyone sends you a message at the same time they send it to all their other friends it gets identified as spam. I have turned off the spam filter for my account because of this. I don't get all that much spam anyway.

17th Jun, 2004 - 12:45am / Post ID: #

Mail Yahoo

Whenever you get such legitimate mail, identify it as "not spam", and the spam protection will learn what types of things you want and don't want.

You are VERY lucky if you aren't getting much spam. I am probably getting about 100 unwanted emails per day, and mine is pretty light.

Post Date: 8th Nov, 2004 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #

Yahoo Mail
A Friend

Yahoo Mail

I liked yahoo mail before 100 M extension and I think now is getting closer of what one can expect from a FREE mailbox... Ofcourse it has drawbacks but we should keep in mind what we pay for the all pakage.

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13th Dec, 2004 - 12:23am / Post ID: #

Yahoo Mail

I like Yahoo e-mail. It is fast, reliable and you do not get such a huge amount of spam as other free e-mail accounts. It works for me.

Post Date: 13th Dec, 2004 - 3:12pm / Post ID: #

Yahoo Mail
A Friend

Yahoo Mail Computer Issues & Video Gaming

I get tons of Bulk Mail on Yahoo, but one thing I do like is that it automatically sends it to the junk folder. If it's somebody's actual e-mail address, whether you have it on your address list or not, goes to your inbox. That is, if it's a legitimate e-mail address. On MSN, I've had e-mails that come from addresses I have in my address book, and it still got sent to my junk folder.

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