There isn't much food that is unique for Israel. Most of the traditional food was adopted from Yemen or Poland. Still, I consider it Israeli
Challah bread - this is Israeli. You generally eat this at friday night and it's very tasty.
Jachnun- my favorite dish; Yemenite. A word of warning - it is very fat and can be really addictive.
mallawah - my next favorite; Yemenite as well. See warning above.
Matzoh ball soup- my favorite passover dish. Delicious.
Falafel - Yum Yum Yum Yum. Especially in Pita bread.
gefilte fish - I don't really like it but there are those who do. Polish, I believe.
recipe Edited: Smudge on 8th Jan, 2005 - 11:51pm
Thanks for sharing those recipes Smudge!. Based on what I read it seems to me that I have tried some of these dishes before in the house of some of my friends when they were doing some jewish celebrations...I remember trying the one with the pita bread but I coudl not remember the name. I have a question about Matzoh ball soup, I read the recipe and it says to get Matzoh meal, what is that? isn't Matzoh the bread that you all eat in Passover? is this Matzoh meal like a ground type of Matzoh? sorry if I sound ignorant.
These look so yummy. The first three look like rolls and bread, no wonder you like them. I think I have had challah before. Is it pronounce 'hollah"? I think it's great you thought of posting this for everyone to learn. I would love to come to your house for dinner and try these things! (Just kidding!) I looked at all of the recipes and it looks like I could make them, so when I'm feeling adventurous I will try one of the recipes. What is zechug? It is in the recipe for Jachnun, at the end.
I have no idea, to tell you the truth. But tomatoes mash goes really well with both the Jachnun and Mallawah.
Is it pronounce 'hollah"? |
Rosh Hashana's Sacred Bread Offers Meaning In Many Shapes And Sizes
Religious Based News
Making challah for the Jewish New Year lets the baker take a moment to reflect on life's blessings. The bread can be shaped into the traditional round, or a lion or bird to echo Bible verses or the maker's preference.
Source: Religion