He does not but you have a bunch of professors keeping these "President trump protestors" up in arms and this is just more stuff to get them upset about. This way the divide continues in this country. I think climate change is real and it would have happened with or without human help. I doubt that anyone is going to come take anyone's research or data away.
Lost ecosystem found buried in mud of southern California coastal waters. Paleontologists investigating the sea bed off California have discovered a lost ecosystem that for thousands of years had nurtured communities of scallops and shelled marine organisms called brachiopods. They had died off by the early 20th century, replaced by the mud-dwellling burrowing clams that inhabit this seabed today. Source 6h.
California projected to get wetter through this century. Under business-as-usual greenhouse gas emissions, climate models predict California will get warmer during the rest of the century and most also predict the state will get drier. But, new research published in Nature Communications predicts California will actually get wetter. The scientists from the University of California, Riverside predict the state will get an average of 12 percent more precipitation through the end of this century, compared to the last 20 years of last century. Source 9j.
Climate shifts shorten marine food chain off California. Environmental disturbances such as El Niño shake up the marine food web off Southern California, new research shows, countering conventional thinking that the hierarchy of who-eats-who in the ocean remains largely constant over time. Source 5l.