I've heard animals could carry the virus, but I can't recall any animals with active symptoms until this article. I wonder if these cats were pets or wild?
While the article said that there was no reason to believe that the pets could transmit the virus to humans, it is still best to be careful around pets with respiratory symptoms.
Genomic analysis reveals many animal species may be vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Analysis of ACE2, the main receptor that SARS-CoV-2 uses to bind and enter cells, across 410 vertebrate species reveals that many are potentially susceptible to infection by the novel coronavirus. They include a number of endangered and threatened species, notably apes and old world primates. The study could also reveal potential intermediate hosts and animal models for the virus. Source 1u.
Mystery canine illness identified: Animal coronavirus. An outbreak of vomiting among dogs has been traced back to a type of animal coronavirus by researchers. Vets across the country began reporting cases of acute onset prolific vomiting in 2019/20. Source 8y.