After the fall of apartheid in 1994 with the election of Nelson Mandela, South Africans were supposed to be equal irregardless of skin color. There has been tremoundous equalization in South Africa but there is still problems between the races. What do you think is the source of the problem.
Is it?....
1.) The legacy of apartheid, which allowed the whites more prosperity then any other ethnic group?
2.) The ANC's relectance to fulfill it's promises?
3.) AIDS?
4.) Or lack of intiative by the formerly oppressed people?
5.) The continued racism by some people, particulary the rural Afrikaaners?
6.) Or is it something else?
Plain and simple is that equality can not be earned in such a short time. Its been just over a decade, its to early to think that equality should be fully in place. Americans still do not look at all other races equally, though we have made great strides, we have been working at it for much longer. Africa is no different, you can't change the perspective of a person, especially on a large scale, in such a short span of time. It take generations to weed out the hardline racists that poison the minds of a culture.