Trinidad & Tobago Climate Change
Discussion about Climate Change in Trinidad & Tobago. How has global Climate Change affected Trinidad & Tobago?
Are there many Environmentalist in Trinidad & Tobago actively protesting abuse of the Environment, Trinidad & Tobago Global Warming, etc.? What is the influence of Trinidad & Tobago Climate Change on the country? Who are the most known Trinidad & Tobago Environmentalist?
Islands facing a dry future
A new way of modeling the effects of climate change on islands shows that previous analyses underestimated the number of islands that would become substantially more arid by mid century -- 73 percent, up from an estimate of 50 percent. Ref. Source 2j.
Climate change isn't really an issue to Trinidad & Tobago, it has been always the usual dry and rainy season that always occurs in the years. The only problem I have noticed is that the high amount of pollution causes a lot of flooding when rain comes even if it's a little drizzle.
Climate scientists create Caribbean drought atlas. Atmospheric scientists have developed the first-of-its-kind, high-resolution Caribbean drought atlas, with data going back to 1950. Concurrently, the researchers confirmed the region’s 2013-16 drought was the most severe in 66 years due to consistently higher temperatures - a hint that climate change is to blame. Source 8n.
In 2015 there was a big dry spell with no water for months but 2016 and 2017 seems to be lots different with a lot more rain than expected so is it really about global warming?