Name: Lucek
Comments: the main difference between yeast and baking soda or powder is the taste of the end result. Soda and powder tend to leave very little taste in the end product making them ideal for cakes and cookies.
That said there are some other differences. Foremost yeast is a live fungus so it takes time to set up a colony to digest the crabs in your bread. Often this means letting the dough rise for an hour or more. Next like I said before the yeast eats sugars in your bread and releases CO2 this makes the little holes in the end product. With backing powder/soda it's a chemical reaction between the leavening agent and water or in the case of twice rise powder heat as well. The recipes are adjusted accordingly for the reactants.
so to sum it up. Yeast is alive, requires extra sugars,and has a taste that is good in savory things but not so much in sweets. Powder is a chemical, reacts with water/heat, takes very little time, and adds little to no taste to the end product.
Name: Dewrell
Comments: Thank You! You have all really helped me! I am looking to make a low-carb bread and I am currently using flax seed mill. I may go more towards a soy flour. I'd like to make a regular size loaf which breaks down into one ounce slices with each slice being between 50-70 calories. Any Thoughts or suggestions?
Again, Thank you for your Thoughts!
Name: Ana
Title: verma
Comments: But yeast and baking soda serves the same purpose when its used in making bread, raising of d bread... So cant we use one instead of another?