What Does The Bible Say…
Does the Bible say if there will eventually be peace for the conflict in which Palestine vs. Israel vs. Middle East are always fighting?
This truly depends on what part of the Bible you are reading. One part mentions that there will be peace only after the seven year tribulation, this is in Revelations.
Another belief is that a messiah will come and will be a warrior who will bring peace to Israel. The Jews believe this to be true and look for their future messianic age.
But the old testament says that God already gave them that land forever and ever. But then they have lost it many times since and have had to fight to keep it in their possession. As long as you believe that the land you live on is your right given by god, then you will believe that no one else has rights to be there. Of course this causes problems when the Palestinians believe themselves the descendants of those inhabitants that Israel believes that they drove out due to god giving them the land. This type of biblical belief paves the way for eternal fighting until one of them no longer exists.
Remember Ismael? He was Agar's son. God helped Sara create a widow and an orphan when she saw Isaac and Agar's son playing together and ordered Abraham to cast out the slave girl. And once more Abraham bowed to Sara's desire. He got rid of the slave girl that she gave to him as a wife to have children with, only this time she was taking his son with her. But God told Abraham, "Heed all that Sara says to you; for through Isaac shall your descendants be called." (Genesis 21:12) In other words, Agar and her son are of little consequence, since Isaac is the chosen one anyway.
Abraham rose early in the morning, took bread and a bottle of water, and gave them to Agar, placing them on her shoulder. Then he dismissed her and the child. She departed, and wandered about in the desert of Bersabee. (Genesis 21:14)
Isaac got it all. Genesis 25:5-6 Abraham gave Isaac everything he had. 6. Abraham gave presents to his children by his concubines and while yet alive sent them away eastward, to the land of the East apart from Isaac.
This caused the jealousy and hatred we live with today, but the bloodshed started at the Jordan River.
The Lord spoke to Moses on the plains of Moab beside the Jericho stretch of the Jordan and said to him: "Tell the Israelites: When you go across the Jordan into the land of Chanaan, drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you: destroy all their stone figures and molten images, and demolish all their high places. You shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land as your property. But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before you, those whom you allow to remain will become as barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they will harass you in the country where you live, and I will treat you as I had intended to treat them" ( Numbers 33:50)
This war will not end until Israel or Palestine annihilates the other side and since Palestine is just
barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides |
I agree with you mouse. Unfortunately, most christians believe Israel will be redeemed in the end and this is unfortunately why most people in this country support Israel. But that aside, there are definitely two different views on this if your reading the OT or the NT.
I won't touch the New Testament. The contradictions are so many and varied that I would just join an argument that has been going on since it was printed. I'm reminded of the question, "How can you get three opinions on the Bible?" The answer, "Ask two Jews!" Everybody has their own idea. Edited: mousetrails on 23rd Jul, 2006 - 2:30pm
Oddly enough, the new testament itself is full of anti-jewish sentiment. Such things as Jesus (himself a jew) referring to his people as the jews. Well that makes no sense. Do americans refer to each other as those americans? So there is much anti-jewish sentiment amongs all the different writings. But then, there is much anti-everything if you want to include revelations. In the end, the Bible puts forth a massive climactic, violent bloody salvation of the jewish nation over everyone else via the salvation of god. But thats stereotypical jewish midrash because the old testament, as you well know, is full of their god doing exactly what is foretold in revelations.
There will never be peace between Israel and Palestine. In fact Israel will become a hated nation in the world especially by countries north and possibly east of it. This will culminate into a grand scale war that will almost destroy Israel until miraculous events take place.
Could it possibly be that Israel and Palestine are simply two peoples in conflict with neither having God's favor?