Introduction Johnathan
I would like to make a suggestion, within the Member wars board there is two other Role-playing Game 's Icon's Kingmaker Pathfinder Role-playing Game and KNtoran's advanced Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Game. I have characters in both games as well as running my own Role-playing Game. It helps to keep me entertained while waiting for a game to update as play by post can be slow. The more games you participate in the more you will have to keep you occupied. You may want to see if you can make a character for each of those Role-playing Game's as well.
Also there is the World of Medieval and other various games that
JB runs. Within those games you have a set amount of time to [respond]. Thus keeping play at a slightly faster pace.
I hope this is helpful. You could read into all the Role-playing Game's available and see what one's suit you.