We'll See Our Mary Again

We' Ll Mary Again - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 10th Dec, 2008 - 8:07pm

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Mormon History
Post Date: 10th Dec, 2008 - 8:07pm / Post ID: #

We'll See Our Mary Again

We'll See Our Mary Again
Mormon History Related

"Marking the entrance to the valley of the Great Salt Lake and standing as a sentinel pointing the way, is located "This Is the Place" monument. Here is featured Brigham Young?his back turned to the privations, hardships, and struggles of the long desert way, his outstretched arm pointing to the valley of precious promise. . . ."That first trek of 1847, organized and led by Brigham Young, is described by historians as one of the great epics of United States history. Mormon pioneers by the hundreds suffered and died from disease, exposure, or starvation. There were some who, lacking wagons and teams, literally walked the 1,300 miles across the plains and through the mountains, pushing and pulling handcarts. In these groups, one in six perished."For many, the journey didn't begin at Nauvoo, Kirtland, Far West, or New York, but rather in distant England, Scotland, Scandinavia, or Germany. . . ."Between the safety of home and the promise of Zion stood the angry and treacherous waters of the mighty Atlantic. Who can recount the fear that gripped the human heart during those perilous crossings? Prompted by the silent whisperings of the Spirit, sustained by a simple yet abiding faith, they trusted in God and set sail on their journey. Europe was behind, America ahead."On board one of those overcrowded and creaking vessels of yesteryear were my great-grandparents, their tiny family, and a few meager possessions. The waves were high, the voyage long, the quarters cramped. Tiny Mary had always been frail, but now with the passage of each day, her anxious mother saw the little one becoming weaker. She had a serious illness. There was no neighborhood drugstore, no doctor's prescription, no modern hospital?just the steady roll of the tired old ship. Day after day worried parents watched for land, but there was none. Soon, Mary could not stand. Lips that were too weak to speak trembled with silent but eloquently expressed wonderment and fear. The end drew near. Little Mary peacefully passed beyond this veil of tears."As family and friends crowded around on the open deck, the ship's captain directed the service; and that precious, ever-so-small body, placed tenderly in a tear-stained canvas, was committed to the angry sea. Her strong father, in emotion-choked tones, comforted her grieving mother, repeating, ' "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." (Job 1:21.) We'll see our Mary again!' "

Thomas S. Monson, "Come, Follow Me," Ensign, July 1988, 2, 4

Topics: Sacrifice, Testimony

Source: Church History Gems

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