Artificial 'skin' can sense pressure
New artificial "skin" fashioned out of flexible semiconductor materials can sense touch, making it possible to create robots with a grip delicate enough to hold an egg, yet strong enough to grasp the frying pan, US researchers said on Sunday. Ref. Source 8
Although, I know the potential of this is fantastic, it also scares me. Is it getting closer to The terminator time, when robots start taking over the world, manipulated by the greedy man or will we be run by the arrogant and selfish robots like Bender (Futurama)? Either scenario is kinda scary. And if this is the case, how close are we to it?
Artificial skin could give superhuman perception. A new type of sensor could lead to artificial skin that someday helps burn victims 'feel' and safeguards the rest of us. Researchers wanted to create a sensor that can mimic the sensing properties of skin. Such a sensor would need to be able to detect pressure, temperature, and vibration. But why limit it? Perhaps it could do other things too. Source 1l.