Lowest Grade
What is the Lowest Grade you have ever earned at school?
The lowest grade I've ever got was a D. It was for an English class in high school. The teacher did not like me very much, and even admitted that to me. I've never got an F, and barely got any C's, and only while in college.
In high school I got Ds in nearly everything but art. I don't recall ever getting an F.
Ditto for college right out of high school. Ds and incompletes in everything but art.
But when I went back to school, after many years in the work force, I earned As and Bs in everything except a C in college algebra. I think it was owed to maturity and trying harder because I was paying for it myself. I also knew more what the alternatives for jobs were without an education.
Offtopic but, Why did your English teacher not like you malexander? I hated when teachers would take a disliking to a certain student, and let it affect their grading, even if the student wasn't a trouble maker. Then there were those who deserved the teachers wrath ... (For the record, I think your English is quite proper ) |