What is your review for the Novel called, "EarthGame'?
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EvoCreationism: The philosophic basis for EARTHGAME
For Creationists to denigrate Evolutionists, who believe life accidentally evolved from rock over billions of years, is as unproductive as Creationists insisting that a Creator deliberately created everything from nothing in an instant.
Surely, the realization that Evolutionism and Creationism need not be mutually exclusive has occurred to more than one thinking person. With some intelligent--and unemotional--modification each could nicely complement the other, and become a peaceful blending of traditional religious belief with observable scientific fact.
That a Creator, capable of intelligent design, originated everything can be conceded--but not instantly or from nothing. IT first had to compress Primordial Energy into particulate matter and from that make hydrogen--the building block of the Universe. From hydrogen came sunlight, water, air and all of the elements making up rock.
Everything on this planet, living or manufactured, evolved or created, is made from those four ingredients: sunlight, water, air and rock. Even me, even you, even hummingbirds and jumbo jet airliners.
Except to gain minor social advantage, committing to one or another of the theories explaining our existence or professing unquestioning adherence to any religious dogma is no longer necessary. Personal growth is largely spiritual and derives no benefit from mandatory religious classification or vain intellectual name tagging.
Where did Primordial Energy (from which everything was made) and endless empty Space (into which everything was placed) come from?
They have always existed, even preceding the Creator-
IT being the very first accident of Evolution.
Earthgame (Hover)
Wow, I just finished this book. I noticed that this was open and that it was the same book a friend at work had read or been reading. He thought it was marvelous. Its interesting because he himself is an evocreationist as well, while I am not. But the book was very well written and very thought provoking.
With out giving anything away, let me just say that even a creator needs to have a beginning. This book explains that with a very cool, and very surprising twist to it. We, even the creator are what could be considered, the divine accident. Although not really a term from the book, it really describes the point to this book. It pushes away from pure science and rejects pure religion as an answer as well and finds the answer somewhere in between. I recommend picking this book up, though I never found it at the book store, and I just borrowed it from a friend. I'm not sure where he got it.
Books & Writers. Review by Brandon. Ref: EARTHGAME, A Novel For All Time by Brian A. Brooks. I appreciate the enthusiastic review, but have to wonder whose copy you borrowed to read? Ordering from the publisher is the best and fastest way to get your own copy. See website: Thanks, B.A.B.