People who talk on cell phones while they drive are as impaired as drunken drivers, according to researchers at the University of Utah. And it's not a matter of handheld vs. hands-free, either.
This is one of those "duh" issues to me. Do you really think that doing anything besides driving while driving a car is a good idea? Eating fast food, zoning out to music, even talking can cause you to not pay attention and get in an accident. Talking on the phone just happens to be a little worse than all those.
I have to disagree with allegations that cell phones cause one to be impaired while driving. I cannot disagree that some people may have a difficult time with this and there has to be to a point a position of self control as to know if you are able to do this or not. I myself talk on the phone while driving on a daily basis for work and do not believe that it hinders my abilities in any way. I find it much more distracting to have passengers in the car talking amongst themselves.
I think that it depends on the person. Some people are more distracted than others, and some can hold a conversation whilst driving better than others.
I know I cannot drive and use a cell phone, but know others have no problem in doing this.
I also think that driving whilst holding a cigarette is worse, if you are need to manoeuvre whilst holding a phone at least you can throw it quickly on the passenger seat, but you can't do this with a cigarette without burning the whole of your car out!
It's still against the law to use a hand-held phone while driving in Newfoundland and Labrador, despite one driver's complaint that the word "use" isn't clearly defined.
What makes this really bad is when the person is speaking with expression or in other words their head is bobbing, their eyes are rolling and so forth as though the person they are chatting with is right in front of them. This is a total distraction not only for them, but for you looking at them while on the road.