Who Has Ever Created A Language?
I ask all of you, have you ever created/are you in the process of creating a language?
Yes, I know that it can be seen as somewhat childish. But by the same token, a new language can be an outlet of creativity!
I'll start this topic off by saying that yes, I have created a numerous amount of languages. The first few were simple and essentially incomplete, using simple, made-up words. However, those languages started off my quest to create the perfect grammatical structure.
The language that I'm working on now is Aele Variquanteiat Iic, which literally means "Language Variquante of," or colloquially, "The Language of the Variquante."
If anyone's interested to hear more about my language, simply ask
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I would love to learn more about! I created a language when I was younger with my friend. Its essential was reversal of letters and the like. My parents made me stop because they said that some satanist said that if you want to know about satan, say all your words backward.
Since I didn't want to burn in hell, I stopped. But you have me really curious.
That's sort of funny that your parents would think that about the devil and talking backwards. haha : )
Well my language is sort of in its infancy, but here's a part of it...
Here's the alphabet/sounds so far [I still need to invent an alphabet, but right now I'm using the Roman/English one.]
[all the sounds are always pronounced the same way.]
b - Bat
c - Cat
d - Dad
f - Fat
l - Low
m - Meat
n - Noun
p - Price
r - Run
s - Sense
t - Tell
v - Vent
as for the vowels...
a - fAther
e - bEt
I [still figuring out what to do in terms of symbols for long (bEEt) and short (bIt) "I"]
o - vOte
u -bOOt
when combined with other vowels, "u" becomes a "w" and "I" becomes a "y."
for instance:
ue - WEt
ie - YEt
ii - [like YEt but with an "I" instead of an "e"; sounds like YIH]; this double-I symbol is what makes a problem with the short and long I's.
other vowels come together to form different sounds [diphthongs]:
ae - bYE
au - cOUch
oe - bOY
ei - [long "e"] hAY
occasionally 3 or more vowels come together. diphthongs or consonuntal vowels [consonuntal vowels are letters like "y" and "w"] must be part of this combination.
for instance:
iae - Y + bYE
uae - WHY
aua - fAther + WAter
I assigned a "direction" to each of the vowels, based on how I interpreted them. These assignments weren't based on debate or reasoning, but rather imagination and/or subconscious thought. [I suppose the shape of my mouth/tongue/lips as I said the vowels had an effect on this assignment as well.]
see...the "a" sounds like a downward direction, the "e" [oops sorry I meant long "e" as in hAY -- the normal "e" as in bEt is a vertical down direction] a gradual upward, the [short] "I" a horizontal forward, the long "I" a vertical upward, the "o" the only backward/downward one, and the "u" a quick but not immediate upward.
the consonuntal "I" adds an element of direction/force while the "u" is a "toned down" version [less force, I suppose.]
so I take all these "directions" and use them in words...
the directions actually will aid in making the formed words sound like what they mean, or at least help the mind to think of what they mean.
I'll give you an example and then stop droning on. [between what I've told you is not everything. it's just one chunk of info at a time.]
voe = life
my thoughts as I made this word were:
- the "v" sounded sort of like blowing/breath. this is part of life and I imagined breath at the very core of [physical] life.
- the "o" made me think of the origination of humans/human life from the "dust of the earth" as described in the Bible [after all, the word "human" comes from the latin humanis, meaning "of the dust"]
- this is because I had set the "direction" of "o" to be backward/downward. backward because the origination of human life is "backward" in time. downward because the "dust of the earth" is down below us by our feet.
- the "e" made me think of the progression of humans and how we as a species always strive to be better/higher.
- this is because I had set the "direction" of "e" to be forward and gradually upward. forward because of the progression. upward because of our nature to want to become better than we already are.
you can see that a WHOLE LOT of thought goes into each word I make in my made-up language.
to think that people thought that made-up languages were childish... : )