Iran Females
What are some general cultural characteristics of Women from Iran? Do Iran Females consider themselves equal to their male counterparts?
Woman publicly shaming Muslim men. THIS woman’s days are full of men telling her what she can and can’t wear. So she’s shaming the guys who come up to her in the street. Source 8x.
Image from Facebook public domain.
Iran Women (Hover)
In Iran, most women must live as second-class citizens, but some are making strides. Millions of Islamic women in Iran grudgingly accept strict rules that dictate how they must live, down to the clothing they can wear in public. Sometimes, the government looks the other way. Source 8n.
With Iran being a harsh military driven nation along with strict Islamic rules it must be really hard to be a woman in there. Hopefully in the future though, there might be something that can change the culture that controls other people's lives.