Massachusetts Voters Appear to Defeat Assisted Suicide Measure Question 2
Voters in Massachusetts appear to have prevented the state from becoming the third to legalize assisted suicide when they considered Question 2 at the ballot box today.
With 87% of all votes recorded, Question 2 is behind 51-49 percent, losing by about 29,000 votes out of approximately 2.5 million cast. Ref. Source 3
Re: Massachusetts Euthanasia
Why The Assisted Suicide Measure Lost in Massachusetts
Massachusetts voters have held the culture of death at bay for at least a little while longer in the USA, depriving backers of assisted suicide with an Eastern Front from which to spread the poison. It's a good result that I don't think could be duplicated in Europe. Much can be learned. Ref. Source 9
Why I Testified Against Legalizing Assisted Suicide in Massachusetts
The following article was written by Bill Peace, also known as "Bad Cripple" and published on his blog on December 24, 2013. Peace recently testified against the assisted suicide bill in Massachusetts. Ref. Source 9