Best of Trinidad & Tobago 2013
What in your opinion was the best of Trinidad & Tobago for the past year 2013?
I will have to give this a lot of thought but one major thing that comes to mind is the improvement in infrastructure. Not that infrastructure locally has jumped leaps and bounds - it has not - but at least it is moving forward so you can see improvement in some places (Mostly developed areas) with roads, bridges, etc. I also welcome the diversity in products and services so no one company can feel they do not have the competition to keep their prices low.
Arima has been experiencing a serious infrastructural improvement over the past few years including last year. Then there was the completion of the interchange at the corner of the Uriah Butler and Churchill Roosevelt Highways which to me were the best for 2013.
Edited: Cagel on 8th Jan, 2014 - 1:53am