Name: Danny
Comments: is this guy serious,the Bible is archaeologically spot on, take Erech, oldest known city in the archaeology world, built by Nimrod, mentioned in Genisis 10 or 11. There never was an "Israel empire" and the Jews were banished from Jerusalem in 70ad under Titus, and will one day return in blessing, [..] that and anyway the Jews are not the answer to the old testament, they are only the bearers of it, they are special but not the only ones. Abraham known as the father of many nations in Christianity, Islam and Jewry, which together comprise of likely 1/4 of the worlds population. Contrary to these answers the bible is the best documented book in the world. [..]
It was suggested that there is no archaeological evidence for the Bible. I do have to disagree with this statement if one looks you will find archaeological evidence. I've included one video, however I have seen more evidence also.
[I will reference the video] Digging for the Truth of the Bible. (Archaeology) with Dr. Don Patton Ph.D, you can watch a presentation of evidence.
I do agree that it's not the oldest book, but probably the book that took the longest to write.
The beautiful thing about the Bible is that it makes perfect sense. You can us it as a history book and you can understand why there is all this fighting in the Middle East but it is better used as a book of saving to save your soul.
Name: Caleb
Title: Truth
Comments: Whether you call it a history book or not, the Word of God is true and has proven correct. Mans knowledge is foolish in the eyes of God. "It is written:
The Bible isn't perfect and by no means is it complete. The translations of the Bible are many and as such they bear inconsistencies and may at times be considered out of the harmony with each other.
History has been recorded by man in many ways. Before there was a written language, it was spoken. Oral histories were memorized word for word and passed generation to generation. So in a sense, the Bible is the oldest written history.
But which book, has the most manuscripts that have passed the length of time? Homers Iliad, The Bible?
The Koran?
Why do you say the Bible is the oldest Malcolmshaw?
At least if its written down, close to the source then it is more accurate?