There is no additional substances involved but that is an addiction like all others. I know for a fact that it has all the drawbacks of any other addiction (at least at a scale). Did you encounter this and if so what is there to be done?
this is a nice story about a liitle boy and the new addictive game World of Warcraft
Edited: Mihai on 10th Aug, 2006 - 9:19am
Oh my goodness, I know at least three people addicted to World of Warcraft, and one addicted to Everquest. Its really amazing. They spend all their free time with the game at the neglect of everything and everyone else, yet they still continuously try and get me into their guild. They don't even seem to have to concept that I have a family and need and want to spend time with them. The really funny one is the husband and wife duo that are in the same world of warcraft guild.