Minister or Not to Minister
I feel kind of guilty about having to divert Ministering to someone, but at the same time I feel that I must first protect my own family. Here is the situation:
A Brother that is new in the Gospel calls to ask how to give a blessing. After enquiry I learn that his son has broken out with what seems to be a contagious disease that causes boils / sores to break out all over the body (possibly chicken pox - still undetermined). I suggest that I could come over and assist him in giving the blessing as well as show him how to do it at the same time - he agrees.
After hanging up the phone I think about it after consultation with my wife I realize that I could bring home a possibly contagious disease to my family more so to my new born (a little over a month old). Now what do I do? On the one hand I am suppose to Minister to the sick - do I choose whom I Minister too because I worry about what I will bring home? Am I simply being cautious or am I being selfish?
Here is what I did: I arranged for another Brother who had chicken pox already to do it, but I feel like I am laying the burden on someone that I should of taken on myself. What would you have done?
The story is actually longer than this involving more people that have been infected, but this is it in a nutshell.
That's a tough one. If I never had chicken pox, and it looked like he had it then I might've considered not going. I think I would have gone anyway, because we're told to administer to the sick and needy, and even with the chance of catching something I think I would be protected if it was necessary for the newborn's safety. The important thing is that he got the blessing. I think you did the right thing, as long as you found somebody to give him the blessing.
That is a very difficult question, and is one that only the individual can really make, taking into consideration all personal circumstances.
If I knew that it was chickenpox for sure, and I hadn't had chickenpox, I might ask someone else to do it, as chickenpox is a lot more severe for an adult (I think).
However, if I had had chickenpox, and my wife had also, then I probably wouldn't hesitate, as it is less than 1 out of 100,000 cases of chickenpox in children that have any sort of serious problems. Also, chickenpox helps children's immune systems to become strong.
Now, the only thing that would cause me to hesitate is the fact that Jonah is so young. I would have to research that just a little bit. I don't think it would be a cause for alarm, but it is possible.
Since you haven't had the chicken pox, I think you did the right thing. The important thing is that there was someone else who could give the blessing that was needed. Had there not been, it would have been a different story. Also, you made the right decision in consulting with your wife and in considering her concerns about the family becoming sick. Had you gone against her wishes and administered the blessing, and then had you or your family become sick, you would have felt much worse about your decision. I've heard that chicken pox can be life threatening to an adult.
QUOTE (Valla) |
Since you haven't had the chicken pox... |