Mom's dieting habits can have a bad influence on the children.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/08/09/diet.moms.ap/index.html
Oh I very much believe this. My mother was over weight, but just rarely ate, or at twice a day, the last on right before bed. She tried to set us on the right path, but I picked up the same habit and am overweight as well. I think that the bad habits of eating where picked up from her, and she still has them today as I do. Its interesting how much of the little things we pick up from our parents that we don't realize until you get older. It makes you wonder what bad habits you will pass on to your kids without realizing it.
Spot on Konquererz!
I couldn't agree more! I have had so many children pass by my way through fostering, and they arrive with all sorts of eating problems, from just refusing to eat, because Mom doesn't eat, to eating only McDonalds because that's all they have ever been fed (and I'm talking 2 year olds here)--- and we've had at least 4 cases with this one!
The saddest case that I can recall, was a 2 year old boy, who had had to watch his Mother who was Anorexic, eat her food, then vomit on the plate. Of course with watching this every day, by the time he was 2, he was Anorexic also, and he too vomited every time he ate food, whether it be on his own plate, on someone else's or on someone else. It was really horrible to see, and took 2 years of solid hard work to get him out of the need to do this. Sadly, as Konquererz pointed out, many children do not get the help to change these habits, and continue to follow the 'role model' of their parents-- whether it be right or wrong!
Oh my goodness, I hadn't even considered this type of food influence! If you have two year olds picking up bad eating habits, then that means that I have sorely underestimated how soon kids can pick up bad eating habits, or any habits for that matter. Very sad that such things are picked up even when the mother had to give them up at an early age. Especially bad that this is the legacy their mothers left to them.
I don't think any of us really realize the full extent to things that children pick up from their 'role models', or to the full magnitude that it can materialize to.
The 2 year old boy that I mentioned, we were once invited out for a meal with friends, the husband, Peter, was a Pastor of a church, and they decided to take us out for an Italian meal as a treat at a restaurant. Peter had only just received his meal before the little boy turned round, stuck his fingers down his throat, and vomited all over Peter's meal!
Oh, how embarrassed we were!
It's a good thing they were (and still are) good friends, and VERY understanding!
As you stated though Konquererz, kids pick everything up, including 'bad habits', it's the only way humans can learn, and move forward. I just feel so sad for all those kids out there that are never corrected, or learn right from wrong, it then stays with them for life!