This is the first game of this particular type that I have played in. I have done shared-story telling RPG's on a small scale and I manage a little tiny board with a little tiny group of writers.
As far as my writing experience, I hold a BA in Creative Writing and have published poetry in a reputable online journal and won a few awards. I am still writing, with the goal of publishing fiction at some point down the road.
I use these RPG games as a way of keeping up my writing skills. They keep me writing, which is the key to any writer's success. They are also a good tool to develop one's mind in the direction of making new connections in regards to weaving together scenes in a story. This is 'shared' writing so you have to let go of some control. That was a challenge for me, coming out of a college writing program where you are taught to take control of the process from beginnning to end.
I am also a single mom of one young son. He keeps me busy and happy. We do a lot of reading together and he is a good storyteller in his own right.
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