I would have to answer along the same lines as Geenie. After an hour in a waiting room, you would probably think I was an incredibly angry person.
In almost any other setting, after an hour with me you'd just be tired of hearing me talk about my son.
I do not know how people would view me in a waiting room. I am not a small guy and I am usually sitting in a corner where I cna see the exit. I kep to myself and do not bother anyone. Most do not sit close to me unless they have to. I would say that indicates I am not approachable or I am just scarey. Take your pick.
I suppose it depends on what I am waiting for. Did I expect to be waiting an hour or am I being kept waiting long beyond my scheduled time? Do I have some place else I need to be? Is there a reasonable explanation as to why I have been kept waiting an hour? I can be patient and relaxed while waiting, reading magazines or conversing with a companion. Sometimes I can be quite friendly to those around me if it seems appropriate. If I am in a Dr's office and not feeling well I can be cranky and just want to be left alone. And if I have been waiting an hour and have other places to be I will have probably been to the window at least once inquiring on why the delay.
So to answer the question, depending upon the circumstance I could be perceived as patient, ornery, friendly, or aloof.