Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite books. A story that is powerfull by its simplicity and truth, with superb dialogue and carefully-made characters, Ender's Game is the story of a genius boy taken from home in a young age to a battle school off in space, and has to handle, among with school and battles, social problems that the school inflicts upon him.
Highly recommended.
Ender's Game (Hover)
wait... trilogy? There are seven Ender related books. are you talking about the Shadow series (which is on its way to becoming a quartet, since shadow of the giant is on its way)
Or maybe you're referring to the trilogy of 3,000 after Ender's game time? In any case, all of them are great, but Ender's Game is my favorite.
I have read the entire series, except for First Meetings. I would rate the Ender's game as a nine out of ten because the book has only one flaw- Ender being undefeated. There should have been a character who Ender could not defeat, but someone like Bean could. Other than that, the book was superb.
There should have been a character who Ender could not defeat, but someone like Bean could. Other than that, the book was superb. |
Ender's Game is in my opinion a great book, but I myself like Speaker for the Dead better.
Even though Speaker is my favorite, I still like the shadow books better than the sequel to Ender's Game series. I can't wait for Shadow of the Giant to come out!
So very true, in my opinion, the speaker of the dead series is not as exciting of a sequel to Ender's Game compared to the shadow series. By the way, when is the Shadow of the Giant going to be released?