There are many different views on the definition of Torture, and it does have an influence on how one views the arguments in the Global war that confronts the west.
Before we can argue if torture is moral, we must first define it.
I do not see the following as torture.
1. Walling
2. Sleep depravation.
3. Yelling and intimidation.
4. Physiological tactics that elicit fear
5. Monitored Waterboarding.
6. Stress positions
I view the following as torture.
1. Cutting off limbs.
2. Hot pokers in orifices.
3. Putting victim in a shredder.
4. Beheadings.
5. Drilling into the skull of the victim.
6. Sexual humiliation.
There should be a line where harsh techniques become torture.
What is torture and where is that line?
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 109 10.9%
I define torture as any means to physically harm another to get information out of them. This includes water boarding, ripping of finger nails, breaking fingers, smashing fingers, toothpicks under the finger and toe nails, carving letters in the skin. pulling out of nose hairs, pulling off eye lids, braking or smashing of toes, smashing knee caps, smashing elbows, breaking any bones, I can go on and on.
I think sleep depravation and other means that do not harm another as to not be torture.
I do not believe in torture because one will say anything for the pain to stop. I believe the use of any type of torture will not give you the info that you want.
Where is the line where harsh interrogations end and torture begins?
Should we even have that discussion and forbid any harsh techniques to get information from non combatants.
Some would hold that sleep deprivation is Torture and others would not.
Who should decide what is torture?
I know I am rambling but I really want to know where the line is and if it is ever justified to use some harsh techniques to save innocent lives.
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 109 10.9%
I believe that in using some harsh techniques to save lives is necessary. I would not go as far as torture and causing a person not to be able to sleep is torture. I think we can get much information from those who we do not injury or hurt to make them talk.
To give a case in point. When a subject is put in a interrogation room at a police department they do not use any forms of torture on the subject. They still end up getting the person to confess to their crimes. It shows that you can get the information you want out of people without using torture.
US Judge: OK to extract confessions by threatening suspects with r-pe:
In one of the first military commissions held under the Obama administration, a US military judge has ruled that confessions obtained by threatening the subject with r-pe are admissible in court. Ref. Source 3