Adhd And Risk Of Injuries

Adhd Risk Injuries - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 4th Sep, 2006 - 10:04pm

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4th Sep, 2006 - 1:55pm / Post ID: #

Adhd And Risk Of Injuries

If you have a kid with ADHD you know you need to monitor him/her closely because they tend tu hurt themselves easily. My son does this thing with his neck that is scary. undecided.gif

Research indicates that children with ADHD are significantly more likely to be injured as pedestrians or while riding a bicycle, to receive head injuries, injure more than one part of the body, and be hospitalized for accidental poisoning. Children with ADHD may be admitted to intensive care units or have an injury result in disability more frequently than other children.

Children with ADHD appear to have significantly higher medical costs than children without ADHD. Health care costs for each child with ADHD may be more than twice as high as medical costs for children without ADHD.

Further research is needed to understand what role ADHD symptoms play in the risk of injuries and other disorders that may occur with ADHD. For example, a young child with ADHD may not look for oncoming traffic while riding a bicycle or crossing the street, or may engage in high-risk physical activity without thinking of the possible consequences. Teenagers with ADHD who drive, may have more traffic violations and accidents and twice as likely to have their driver's licenses suspended than drivers without ADHD...

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4th Sep, 2006 - 10:04pm / Post ID: #

Injuries Risk Adhd

I think part of it is because a child with ADHD doesn't seem to have as much awareness or consciousness of safety issues, road safety etc, as maybe other children that don't have ADHD might have.

Personally, I have issues to cover like this with my 2 youngest, no matter how many times I go over 'road safety' with them, they wouldn't think to check a road was clear before running across it, other examples would be that we have had to have joiners come in and put a sloped window sill in their bedrooms,and special window openers because they wouldn't think twice of standing on the window sill, opening the window and jumping out, because they can't decipher what causes a danger, and what doesn't.

I feel that I always have to be alert, as they have no 'stranger danger' awareness either. I know they are only young, being now 4 and 5, but a lot of children of their age wouldn't wander away from their parents,mine would disappear at every opportunity they were given.
My youngest son, also doesn't ever watch where he is walking, and a couple of times in the past has just walked into lamp posts.
I do feel though that medical/hospital staff and professionals are aware of extra injuries that might occur to a child with ADHD, purely because of the way ADHD affects the way a child views safety issues, and a bit of leeway is given here.

> TOPIC: Adhd And Risk Of Injuries


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