Name: Katrina
Comments: I am researching this topic at the moment as it very serious to me. My boyfriend use to be binge drinker, usually was drinking vodka or whiskey. But after thousands of conversation he admitted that it is wrong to be drunk every weekends,however we agreed that he still going to drink beer because it his favourite drink. Long story short, now he drinks beer every single day, he is not drunk during the week only sometimes but on weekends he can drunk up to 10 pints and always gets drunk. Then on Saturdays he wakes up drunk and he needs only a pint or so to get drunk again and same on Sunday. My lovely weekends ruined! So yes, definitely person can be an alcoholic just from beer. Sorry for all who has same problem.
Name: Lily
Title: Disagree
Comments: I'm married to a beer alcoholic. He thinks since he isn't drinking hard liquor, he's ok.. Reality bites. He's starting to stutter and show signs of early dementia at 59. He's making $10 an hour and happy for it and has always been chronically underemployed, again, a marker for an alcoholic. Yes, I'm divorcing him.