
Prideful - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 4th Sep, 2006 - 11:24am

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Post Date: 3rd Sep, 2006 - 9:47pm / Post ID: #



How does someone come to a realization that they are prideful if they are not aware of it?

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4th Sep, 2006 - 12:01am / Post ID: #


Question, you always ask such interesting questions. smile.gif Hmmm...first of all, it is very hard for a person who is prideful to see his/her behavior as pride. Usually what it takes is a really humbling experience for them to realised it, sad enough, most of those experiences are tough ones but the only ones that will actually touch the heart of the individual and make them realized how they have been acting.

Post Date: 4th Sep, 2006 - 11:24am / Post ID: #

A Friend

Prideful Health & Special Psychology

I agree with your assessment LDS. I think one must be humbled in order to realize they are prideful in many circumstances. However, it is entirely possible to be prideful, and realize it, but if you are able to justify it in your own mind, then it is not viewed as a problem. Others may see it as a problem and like you or respect you less for it, but the mind can justify nearly anything given the proper circumstance. Its like the guys who says "its hard to be humble when your this good!". He knows he is arrogant and prideful, but has already justified it in his mind.

> TOPIC: Prideful


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