Review: Blackguards (PC)
It was in the latter half of the 1970s that I was first introduced to Dungeons & Dragons. An avid tabletop wargamer, I teamed up with a bunch of like-minded friends and poured over a pirated copy of the rules to what was at the time an innovative fantasy-based skirmish game. Ref. Source 9
Blackguards (Hover)
What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards, a new turn-based strategy Role-playing Game , explores this very question. You will discover over 180 unique hex-based battlegrounds within a dark and mature story of crime, drugs, and murder. Play as a warrior, mage or hunter and customize your character's skills as you see fit. The challenging campaign delivers a story of doubt, treason and loss. You decide the course of the story at key turning points and determine its outcome.
More than 180 unique battlemaps provide ever-evolving and novel challenges.
Make sure you have plenty of snacks, as this dark fantasy adventure has 40+ hours of exciting play time.
Lead up to five characters in your party to glorious victory or devastating defeat.
Enjoy enchanting hand drawn backdrops. They"re beautiful even when your party members get their asses handed to them.
Your choice of spells, skills and abilities determine your battlefield tactics. Aggressive? Defensive? Tactical? It's your call how to tackle each challenging encounter!
Use interactive objects like bee hives or barrels to your advantage in combat, or blow yourself up by carrying a torch into flammable swamp gas.
Dish out some serious damage with 40 special abilities and more than 90 spells"¦ or find yourself on the other end and get obliterated.
Blackguards (Hover)