Episode 17 seems a bit cheesy. The story is continued, but you have to wonder what Louis was thinking with that outfit. The whole lesbian slant with that blond was stale. I did not enjoy this one much, but I am sure it would have appealed to WWF fans as that is where the theme seemed to rooted.
I hope there is a bigger improvement in Epsiode 18.
Just saw Episode 18 and I believe we are officially in dividing lines now where Lex = evil and everyone else = good guys. Lana has finally gotten the shocking news about her pregnancy, BUT I do wonder... could it be that Lex is infertile? When you consider that he lost his hair... we really do not know what other effects he suffered... maybe infertility or should I say low sperm count is one of them?
There is one classic goof that the Smallville producers constantly make when making these films - UNLESS they plan to sum it up later. Anyhow the goof is that Clarke always is at some point using his powers in Lex's mansion, but guess what - Lex is supposed to have sophisticated video/audio equipment yet it never picks him up? That last fight with one of the krypto freaks should have been recorded.
It was nice to see Lynda Carter on board, she is 56 in the film - she seems to be keeping herself well.
I enjoyed this episode. I felt very sorry for Chloe and the fact that she had to lose her mother again. I do not think Lex is infertile or anything like that, he knows Lana does not love him (and that she never did) so he knew by faking a pregnancy she will want to marry him to form a family. Lana looks weaker and weaker in every episode.
Linda Carter was looking as beautiful as usual.
Another goof JB, is that in one of the early episodes (I believe season 1 or 2) they showed Chloe visiting her mother (does anyone remember?) and it was certainly not Linda Carter.
Yes I remember that episode about Chloe's mom, in fact when they talked about her appearing in this Episode as Lynda Carter I was rather surprised. I thought Lynda would have done a better job doing another role - such as an outsider with super powers.
thought Lynda would have done a better job doing another role - such as an outsider with super powers. |
Episode 19 Nemesis started out cheesy and I was almost going down the road of boredom until the emotional side of the characters started to awake. The cheesy part was the beginning - a GI Jane with a vendetta on Lex at 4am? Lex walking the halls at that time? What about his father showing up right in time? I guess Lex was purposely supposed to met with her there and he acted only like he did not know what she was doing there?
What is project aeries anyway - the super soldier?
It is good to see Lana is not so teeny bopper anymore.
Is Linonel really protecting Clarke or is there some ulterior motive?
When Clarke was trapped by the fallen debris and Lex left I wondered if that was not just a test of Lex to see if Kent would pull himself out? It is interesting that Lex did admit that he knows there is something special about Kent, but at the same time he bleeds.
In the end the parody about was it Clarke's fault for Lex being the way he is can give a writer a lot to build on.