Add Requirements to the Temple Recommend Interview
What are your thoughts... is it okay for Bishops / Branch Presidents (or do they even have the authority) to Add Requirements to the Temple Recommend Interview?
I feel that Bishops or branch Presidents should not add or take away to temple recommends at all. If you allow for such exceptions then temple worthiness becomes very subjective and different from ward to ward. A person may be "worthy" in one ward but not in another. I have seen bishops before do this, and has caused a lot of trouble in the stake and ward. The bishop was released partly because of his added requirements. During the last supper Christ told Peter if he did not allow Him to wash his feet that he would have no part in him. In response Peter told Christ to wash his whole body not just his feet, But the Lord told him that just washing/ anointing his feet was suffecent. To me this means the we only have to do what the Lord requires, but we do not have to do any more then he required as well. What he requires of us is suffecant.
That is an excellent question!
When we lived in northern Minnesota, our Stake President added a question about gambling. There are a lot of "Indian" casinos up there, and there was a real problem with people getting addicted to gambling.
At the time, I didn't even think about it. It didn't affect me at all, and I was still very complacent about everything.
Now, however, I would strongly object to it. I don't believe that it is within the authority of a Bishop or Stake President to ask different questions - as a normal procedure.
However, if they get inspiration (I won't say revelation) about the person in the interview, then it is right for them to follow up with other questions. Then, if they are inspired that way, they can deny a recommend.
The problem is, abuse can be easy with any of these types of changes. If a Bishop or Stake President could just change the questions, they could easily introduce prejudices and discrimination in a very subtle way.
So, my answer is that the questions must be uniform throughout the Church.
Personally, I think the Temple recommend questions should not be modified in any way or form, however I think we have forgotten that there can be an interview prior to the recommend interview in which anything can be asked. Your behavior, activity, and so forth acts as a pre-interview as well in which comments, observations and questions can be asked before the interview for a recommend. As an example, when someone approached us previously for a recommend interview, but they were not active, it was easy to say, well be active and then we can discuss the recommend.
I think a Bishop should not add questions to the temple recommend interview. To do so would make receiving a temple recommend dependent on a Bishops personal assessment of worthiness, rather than the Lords. However if a Bishop feels prompted to elaborate on what certain questions mean in terms of specific behavior, I think that would be appropriate. For example, if a Bishop feels someone unworthy based on dishonest business practices, he could elaborate about what it means to be honest in all our dealings.