California Mortgage
Within this Thread you can review or add tips concerning obtaining a Mortgage in this state. More info can be found here: https://www.internationaldiscussions.com/real-estate-mortgages/usa/california.php
California to Retrain Laid-off Mortgage Workers
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced a massive program to address a number of aspects of the housing slump in the state which has probably been harder hit by its effects than any other. The various initiatives will use a variety of state and federal funds including a $5.6 million federal grant to retrain mortgage and banking industry workers laid off as a result of the subprime crisis.
Ref. https://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/2222008_M..._California.asp
Foreclosure starts up nearly 20 percent in California:
After four consecutive months of decline, Notice of Default filings bounced up by 19.7 percent to 31,004 statewide. Filings of Notices of Trustee Sale, which sets the date and time of the foreclosure auction, increased slightly as well, rising 3.6 percent to 28,195 filings, according to ForeclosureRadar. Ref. Source 8
Calif city looks to seize loans to ease mortgages
As Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and the plan's backers approached the bank building, security guards locked the doors. After a bank official told her there would be no meeting then and that someone would call her later, she grabbed a bullhorn. "I am absolutely not backing down," McLaughlin said, as curious tourists and lunching office workers milled about. Ref. Source 5
Mortgage rates rise after election
Mortgage rates have risen nearly half a percent since Donald Trump was elected president, increasing borrowing costs in the Southern California housing market. Analysts say foreign investors and Americans are pulling out of the bond market. Ref. Source 4l.