Louisiana Mortgage
Within this Thread you can review or add tips concerning obtaining a Mortgage in this state. More info can be found here: https://www.internationaldiscussions.com/real-estate-mortgages/usa/louisiana.php
Watching the real estate market in Louisiana after hurricane Katrina has been interesting. Real estate value is extremely high in most of the state but gets higher the farther south that you go. Be very careful in inspecting the property prior to even approaching the bank in the southern areas. There have been many developers doing a face lift on old houses and making a killing on them. Many of these houses may have even been condemned. You may even wish to take on a little more expense and have a home inspector drive in from out of area just to check things out.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 7 0.7%
Current Mortgage Rates within New Orleans, LA 4.60% APR - 5.10% APR