Which Element Are You? - Page 2 of 3

WATER - you seem to be able to adapt to any - Page 2 - Studies of Dreams, Mystics, Paranormal - Posted: 10th Mar, 2009 - 10:46pm

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Take the quiz and find out
Post Date: 7th Feb, 2007 - 7:22pm / Post ID: #

Which Element Are You?
A Friend

Which Element Are You? - Page 2

EARTH - you have a solid position in most things. Right or wrong you know what you want to do and how you want to do it.

Nice, I think this test is interesting. ...

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Post Date: 18th Aug, 2007 - 4:18am / Post ID: #

Which Element Are You?
A Friend

You Element Which

I took the quiz and it said I was Earth! Yeah, right! I'm one of those nutjobs that take these quizzes, but the answer options are never what I would actually say or do.

Post Date: 21st Feb, 2008 - 8:42am / Post ID: #

Which Element Are You?
A Friend

Which Element Are You? Paranormal & Mystics Dreams Studies

EARTH - Grounded with direction and purpose?
This element seems very popular, or mabe forums attract similar elementals together.
I follow an Elemental based Religion and Martial Art, so this has some relevance for me.

21st Feb, 2008 - 9:21pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 You Element Which

WATER - you seem to be able to adapt to any circumstance, and adjust easily to most things unless the pressure is too much. 

I would say this is fairly accurate. I tend to "go with the flow" as Valla mentioned! I think I do have a little temper that flairs though, and although I would not "kill or curse someone to hell" for insulting my mother--I would say something! EEERRRR! Maybe I am BOILED water at times! cheesy.gif

I love these things!

Post Date: 11th May, 2008 - 10:14am / Post ID: #

Which Element Are You?
A Friend

You Element Which

"EARTH - you have a solid position in most things. Right or wrong you know what you want to do and how you want to do it. "

...and I agree!

11th May, 2008 - 3:25pm / Post ID: #

Which Element Are You?

WATER - you seem to be able to adapt to any circumstance, and adjust easily to most things unless the pressure is too much.

I don't know if that's true but it would be cool if it is.

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Post Date: 12th May, 2008 - 2:23pm / Post ID: #

Which Element Are You?
A Friend

Which Element You - Page 2

WATER - you seem to be able to adapt to any circumstance, and adjust easily to most things unless the pressure is too much.

I guess I am water does that mean I am all runny? laugh.gif

Post Date: 10th Mar, 2009 - 10:46pm / Post ID: #

Which Element Are You?
A Friend

Which Element You Studies Dreams Mystics & Paranormal - Page 2

WATER - you seem to be able to adapt to any circumstance, and adjust easily to most things unless the pressure is too much.

Interesting as I am a Water sign and adapt easily to change.

Reconcile Edited: Casandra on 10th Mar, 2009 - 10:47pm

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> TOPIC: Which Element Are You?


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