
Poliomyelitis - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 1st Sep, 2009 - 5:30am

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Known also as Polio
Post Date: 26th Sep, 2006 - 3:34am / Post ID: #



Why do people still get Poliomyelitis if there are vaccines for it?

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Post Date: 1st May, 2009 - 10:04am / Post ID: #

A Friend


People in third world countries are still getting this disease due to the fact that not everyone has access to the vaccine. As more and more people get vaccinated we hope that soon that polio will no longer be a problem in this world.

1st Sep, 2009 - 5:30am / Post ID: #

Poliomyelitis Health & Special Psychology

Polio affects people in only some countries in Africa and Asia. I guess in those areas the people do not have money or health care to prevent Polio. The vaccine is just too costly for their government to pay for, and I'm sure some people still don't believe in using vaccines. I'm glad people in most parts of the world are receiving the vaccine and that we don't have to deal with the effects of Polio.

> TOPIC: Poliomyelitis


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